What is WEDS?

WEDS is a collaborative venture between the three Wairarapa Councils and WellingtonNZ (The Regional Economic Development Agency). Between them, these agencies allocate personnel and resources to deliver the WEDS Action Plan. The WEDS function is agreed under an MOU which is reviewed every 3 years in line with the Local Government Long Term Planning process.

WEDS Setup

WEDS is a function to ensure that resources and effort are aligned behind our regional priorities. This enables us to generate positive economic outcomes for the Wairarapa together with our partner agencies. The diagram below shows the relationship between the organisations involved.

WEDS is a function to ensure that resources and effort are aligned behind our regional priorities. This enables us to generate positive economic outcomes for the Wairarapa together with our partner agencies. The diagram below shows the relationship between the organisations involved.
Photo by Jet Productions
WEDS is a collaborative venture between the three Wairarapa Councils and WellingtonNZ (The Regional Economic Development Agency). Between them, these agencies allocate personnel and resources to deliver the WEDS Action Plan. The WEDS function is agreed under an MOU which is reviewed every 3 years in line with the Local Government Long Term Planning process.

The WEDS Ecosystem

WEDS sits inside a much bigger and more complex ecosystem, spanning both Wellington and Wairarapa. WEDS is the connecting force and collaborator across both local and central Government-systems. Follow the interactive venn diagram to find out more about our wider ecosystem and parallel strategies.

Destination Wairarapa
our local tourism organisation
and ‘partner agency’ with WEDS
The Wairarapa Destination
Management Plan
(The tourism plan for our region)
Regional SkillsLeadership Group
a steering body responsible for supporting workforce
and skills development across Wairarapa.
The Wairarapa Workforce
development plan,
owned by the Wairarapa RSLG
Memorandum of Understanding
The formal agreement tying WEDS funding and
delivery between the Wairarapa councils and WNZ
The Wellington Region Economic
Development Agency
The Wellington Regional Economic
Development Plan

The overarching plan for the whole
Wellington region
Regional Business Partners Network
A nationwide business support programme
sponsored by MBIE and delivered by WNZ
Business Wairarapa
the local chamber of commerce +
Wellington Regional Leadership Committee
(All the mayors and Iwi leaders from every
district across greater Wellington)
Greater Wellington Regional Council
Te Matarau a Maui
The Maori Economic Development Plan
for the greater Wellington region
The Wairarapa Water
Resilience Strategy
The Wellington Regional
Growth Framework

The WEDS Ecosystem

WEDS sits inside a much bigger and more complex ecosystem, spanning both Wellington and Wairarapa. WEDS is the connecting force and collaborator across both local and central Government-systems. Follow the interactive venn diagram to find out more about our wider ecosystem and parallel strategies.

The WEDS Forum

Oversight and Governance is provided by the WEDS Forum, with an independent chair appointed by the Wairarapa Mayors. Ultimately, the Forum is responsible for ensuring that our activities align with the 5 focus areas identified in the WEDS Matrix (link). Holding us accountable to ensure our limited resources are aligned for maximum benefit.

Membership of the Forum includes:
  • WEDS Independent Chair | Adrienne Young-Cooper
  • Mayor of Masterton
  • Mayor of Carterton
  • Mayor of South Wairarapa
  • Chief Executive, MDC
  • Chief Executive, CDC
  • Chief Executive, SWDC
  • Wairarapa Representative, GWRC
  • Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust / Tū Mai Rā InvestmentsNgāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-ā-rua Trust
  • WellingtonNZ
  • Destination Wairarapa
  • Primary Industry Representative
  • Commercial Sector Representative
  • Business Wairarapa
  • Wairarapa Regional Skills Leadership Group

Operation of the WEDS Forum is described in the MoU.

Photo by Jeff McEwan
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Photo by Larissa Wiegman-Peeterse